Border Collie Puppy ID Tags And Registration

It is important that you make sure your Border Collie is easily identifiable if it ever gets lost. We do not ever want to think about the consequences of losing our beloved Border Collie, but the reality is that anything is possible. Be prepared for the worst so it is easy for your Border Collie to find its way home.

Make sure your Border Collie always wears a collar with ID tags attached with your Border Collie’s name and your cell/mobile number on it.

ID tags are a simple, cost-effective method of identifying your Border Collie and they come in all sorts of materials, shapes, colours and sizes.

While identification tags are great, if the collar comes off, or your Border Collie loses its tags, your Border Collie may be lost forever if you do not use a more permanent method of identification. Microchipping and tattooing are two methods that make sure your pet is returned to you if the two of you are ever parted....

Why Microchip your Border Collie

Microchipping your Border Collie has become the most popular and reliable method of permanently identifying your Border Collie today. It is now compulsory for all dog breeders to microchip their puppies prior to sale.

The microchip is in a tiny capsule, no bigger than a grain of rice, and has an identification number coded into it. The vet uses a needle to inject the microchip under your Border Collie’s skin, usually between the shoulders, and it feels no more than a little discomfort.

Once your Border Collie has the microchip, your information becomes part of a national database for easy identification if your Border Collie ever gets lost. When a Border Collie is found, the person that finds the animal is obligated to take the Border Collie to the nearest animal shelter or vet to have it scanned for a microchip.

While you need a special scanner to read the microchip, it is a fail safe method to ensure you can identify your Border Collie. The best thing is to have your Border Collie microchipped and ensure it has identification tags to make it easier to have your Border Collie returned home.

When you move or change your details, make sure you contact the national microchip database to change your details and keep them up-to-date. The only problem is that not every vet or shelter has microchip scanners but, these days, the majority do.

Tattooing your Border Collie

Tattooing has almost been replaced by microchipping. If you do choose to tattoo your Border Collie, the tattoo will contain a number that is registered with a national database along with your contact details, name and address.

Your vet will wait until your Border Collie puppy is an adult before tattooing your Border Collie’s ear. This needs to be done under anaesthetic, and most people do this when they desex their Border Collie. It is another good way to ensure you can easily identify your Border Collie, but check the numbers regularly to make sure they are still readable and have not faded.

Do not forget to register your details and change them whenever you move. The last thing you want is to go to all the trouble of identifying your Border Collie and not be registered if your Border Collie goes missing.

Stop Theft – Tattooing or Microchipping your Border Collie Puppy