Border Collie Puppy versus Adult Border Collie

You want a Border Collie but you cannot decide whether to get a puppy or adopt an adult dog. It is a difficult decision and one that is personal.

There are advantages and disadvantages for both choices.

Will you Train your Border Collie Puppy?

Puppies are a lot of work, but they are a lot of fun as well. Just in case you did not know, Border Collie puppies do not come fully trained. You need to train them and you become solely responsible for the way they interact with the world.

Puppies need to learn everything from house rules to basic obedience, and you need to have the commitment to provide that for your puppy.

If you are not sure if you have time to train a puppy, you may want to consider adopting an older dog that already has some training.

An adult dog that has no training can learn quicker than a puppy, but it can also be more stubborn and dominant....

Adopted Dog’s and their Baggage

When you buy a puppy you have the responsibility of shaping its life. When you adopt an older dog you risk it coming with baggage from its past life. You cannot know how your adult dog will react to different situations, people and other dogs.

If you get your adult Border Collie from a rescue organisation they put them through temperament tests and other tests to ensure they are suitable as family companions.

There are many reasons why Border Collies end up in rescue, but the main reason is a lack of understanding of the breed. Many are abused and mistreated, and have deep seated fears that are triggered months after you adopt your new Border Collie.

While an adopted dog may have basic training, you need a lot of patience and unconditional love to help your Border Collie overcome any baggage left over from its previous home.

Tips for Selecting an Adult Dog

When checking out an adult Border Collie as a potential family member, find out as much as you can about its past. This may be hard, and you may adopt a dog with a behavior problem. Behaviour problems are solvable if you have patience, commitment and unconditional live.

Tips to help you select an adult dog include:

  1. Watch the dog. Is it happy and active, or is it withdrawn and fearful? If the dog has been dumped it is under a great deal of stress.
  2. Check the dog’s noise tolerance. Throw a set of keys on the ground near its feet to see how it reacts. If it cowers, it may have a timid temperament. This dog would be suitable for a single person or an adult family as, with time and patience, you change the behaviour. This type of adult Border Collie is not suitable for a family with children.
  3. Take the dog to a spot you can spend some time with it. Play with the dog and introduce the adult Border Collie to all members of your family to see how they all get along together.
  4. Have your vet examine the adult Border Collie you are considering for adoption to ensure it is in satisfactory health.

In the end, it comes to down to personal choice whether you choose and adult Border Collie or a puppy.